Baby warming bed מיטת חימום לתינוק

מק״ט: WBB-M

A premature baby sleeps peacefully and safely at 37 °C on a soft, warm water mattress.
The water mattress gives the child the feeling of lying very close to the warm mother's skin.

Only a warm, soft water mattress can replace the effectiveness of the heat therapy of a modern intensive care incubator.
As soon as the premature baby is stable and its skin is sufficiently mature, the child can move into the open baby warming bed.
The system looks friendly and not very clinical and takes away the parents' great fear for their little ones.
Now the parents can easily be integrated into the care and support of their premature or full-term baby.
The important bond between parents and infant can now take place. Breastfeeding can begin earlier
and the time spent in hospital can be shortened.
The baby warming bed is used in hospitals worldwide as a safe and cost-effective alternative to modern intensive care incubators.

This can reduce the number of incubators required and thus create an effective benefit for neonatology.

The effectiveness and functionality of the system is well documented by numerous studies.

The soft and warm water mattress makes the baby warming bed unique!

More than 10,000 systems are in use worldwide every day, safely warming more than 2 million babies.

New, improved functionality – adapted to the needs of babies, parents and caregivers

The baby warming bed consists of the BW3 warming system and the BabyBed.

Together, the devices, which can also be used individually, form a modern and safe heat therapy unit for the optimal care of the little ones.

All components meet the highest quality requirements to ensure that premature and full-term babies can be treated in an optimally warm and safe growth environment.

The system enables premature babies to be transferred from the incubator to open care earlier than usual. This promotes the important parent-child bond and breastfeeding at an early stage.


• The open, ergonomic system enables easy care by nursing staff and parents.

• The optimal heat therapy ensures growth rates in grams/day that are equal to or many times better than

intensive care incubators. • Babies calm down quickly on the water mattress because it feels like their mother's skin.

The heart and breathing rate become more regular – oxygen saturation and temperature stabilize

• It is easy and safe to use, and cleaning is quick and effortless.

• The investment and maintenance costs are low. The expected lifespan of the product is long.

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