The Telescopic ROM Knee Brace מייצב ברך

מק״ט: LS-TRM

Fix and repair knee joint fracture, patellar fracture, dislocation, meniscus injury, muscle tone , contracture , arthritis and genu recurvatum disease etc.Fix and repair knee joint fracture, patellar fracture, dislocation, meniscus injury, muscle tone , contracture , arthritis and genu recurvatum disease etc.

Indication for the knee brace :
1.The telescopic ROM Knee brace conservative theatment of synthetical knee joint instability.
2.The Hinged knee brace fix and repair knee joint fracture, patellar fracture, dislocation, meniscus injury, muscle tone , contracture , arthritis and genu recurvatum disease etc.
Features and Benefits of the  ROM Knee Support Brace:
1. Help knee joint to regain its original functions or functional training for long-term rehabilitation.
2. Can be adjusted as individual demand.   The bilateral range-of-motion settigns can be adjusted between0°-120°of flexion and 0°-90°extension
3. By setting Angle adjustment lock allowing normal knee joint motion within a suitable range, it can provide stability to an injured and unstable knee..
4. Wider and comfortable leg straps offering additional support and comfort.

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